четверг, 8 апреля 2010 г.

दमन होमेवोर्क =3

Task 1
1) Scientists think that their ancestors were larger than
they are today. 1 F
2) Their ancestors could probably fly. 2 T
3) The biggest bird can run faster than most of its
enemies. 3 T
4) Zebras stay near an ostrich because it will fight off
their enemies. 4 F
5) The eggs of the ostrich are widely used for cooking. 5 NI
6) The egg of the biggest bird is six to nine inches long. 6 T
Task 2
7 C.Unexpected guests in the car
8 H.Closing down Denny’s
9 F.Call us for assistance
10 A.Go home and wait
11 J.Knowledge helps to escape
12 B.Huge criminal record
13 I.Pets in the trunk
14 D.Hotel’s loud snorers
15 G.Protection from burglars

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