вторник, 14 декабря 2010 г.
понедельник, 13 декабря 2010 г.
Работа на уроке
В Таллинне, как в одном из наиболее прекрасно сохранившихся городов средневековой Европы, остались практически без изменений сеть улиц и границы участков, сформировавшиеся в период с XI по XV век.
Начало XV – середина XVI столетия – золотой век древнего Таллинна: город входил в Ганзейский союз и играл важную роль в регионе Балтийского моря. Экономический подъем тех времен способствовал не только основательному укреплению границ города, но также создал все предпосылки для активного творчества - создания архитектурных и художественных ценностей.
Благодаря мощным оборонительным укреплениям, Старый город смог уберечь себя от значительных разрушений в ходе нападений неприятельских войск. А каменные дома устояли в огне пожаров. Обошли стороной Старый город и новые массовые застройки, что также способствовало сохранению его архитектурной ценности.
На сегодняшний день в своем первоначальном средневековом виде сохранились все самые важные административные и сакральные сооружения Старого города, благополучно пережили столетия и многие жилые дома, амбары, склады, принадлежавшие некогда знатным горожанам и купцам.
В Таллинне, как в одном из наиболее прекрасно сохранившихся городов средневековой Европы, остались практически без изменений сеть улиц и границы участков, сформировавшиеся в период с XI по XV век.
Начало XV – середина XVI столетия – золотой век древнего Таллинна: город входил в Ганзейский союз и играл важную роль в регионе Балтийского моря. Экономический подъем тех времен способствовал не только основательному укреплению границ города, но также создал все предпосылки для активного творчества - создания архитектурных и художественных ценностей.
Благодаря мощным оборонительным укреплениям, Старый город смог уберечь себя от значительных разрушений в ходе нападений неприятельских войск. А каменные дома устояли в огне пожаров. Обошли стороной Старый город и новые массовые застройки, что также способствовало сохранению его архитектурной ценности.
На сегодняшний день в своем первоначальном средневековом виде сохранились все самые важные административные и сакральные сооружения Старого города, благополучно пережили столетия и многие жилые дома, амбары, склады, принадлежавшие некогда знатным горожанам и купцам.
вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.
понедельник, 29 ноября 2010 г.
понедельник, 22 ноября 2010 г.
Movie review
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
The movie opens some time in the Medival Age, in the castle of the legendary Arthurian wizard Merlin. Merlin has three apprentices: Balthazar (Nicolas Cage), Horvath (Alfred Molina) and Veronica (Monica Bellucci), who are trying to protect Merlin and his dangerous spell – generically titled “The Rising” – from falling into the hands of the evil sorceress Morgana (Alice Krige). Horvath turns against his aged master and helps Morgana steal the spell and kill Merlin. In the process of trying to fight off and capture Morgana, Veronica performs a “Soul Merging” spell to trap them together in one body. I don’t want to give away the whole movie because it was a lot of fun to watch, but just like any family friendly Disney film, the good guys win in the end.
There were several things I liked about this film: the visual effects were crazy-good, and while the story was predictable (but enjoyable), the acting was above par. I think Disney really passed up an opportunity to destroy The Last Airbender in theaters over the July 4th weekend, because honestly, families didn’t have much to choose from in the way of good family-friendly action films and this film would have been a much-appreciated option.
Bottom line: The Sorcerer's apprentice should be right up your alley if you are in the mood for an enjoyable action/adventure/comedy film that isn’t animated.
The movie opens some time in the Medival Age, in the castle of the legendary Arthurian wizard Merlin. Merlin has three apprentices: Balthazar (Nicolas Cage), Horvath (Alfred Molina) and Veronica (Monica Bellucci), who are trying to protect Merlin and his dangerous spell – generically titled “The Rising” – from falling into the hands of the evil sorceress Morgana (Alice Krige). Horvath turns against his aged master and helps Morgana steal the spell and kill Merlin. In the process of trying to fight off and capture Morgana, Veronica performs a “Soul Merging” spell to trap them together in one body. I don’t want to give away the whole movie because it was a lot of fun to watch, but just like any family friendly Disney film, the good guys win in the end.
There were several things I liked about this film: the visual effects were crazy-good, and while the story was predictable (but enjoyable), the acting was above par. I think Disney really passed up an opportunity to destroy The Last Airbender in theaters over the July 4th weekend, because honestly, families didn’t have much to choose from in the way of good family-friendly action films and this film would have been a much-appreciated option.
Bottom line: The Sorcerer's apprentice should be right up your alley if you are in the mood for an enjoyable action/adventure/comedy film that isn’t animated.
понедельник, 15 ноября 2010 г.
A room description
I live in a room which is not big and not small. I would say the golden middle. I share it with my small brother. Actually he’s huge but never mind. In our room we have a pretty big desk, which is big enough for two of us, in the center of the desk is the only thing that we can’t share. It’s our computer. Above the desk from my part is a big thingy which has lot’s of shelfs. In those shelfs there are different kind of books, accessories, family photos and video games. Above the desk from my brothers part there is a giant window. The view in that window is beautiful. You can see whole center of Tallinn plus a little part of sea. Near the desk is a big wardrobe filled with our clothes and other things. Opposite the window is our bed. It’s duplex. I sleep on the first floor, because it’s really hot up there on the second floor.
понедельник, 4 октября 2010 г.
Review on Oliver Twist
A young orphan named Oliver Twist through a series of unfortunate events becomes affiliated with a band of child pickpockets in London trained by an old miser. After many adventures Oliver escapes the band and is reunited with his relatives.
Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse, and orphaned almost immediately. The managers of the workhouse abuse him and declare that he will amount to nothing. Eventually, Oliver is apprenticed out and runs away from the situation once the cycle of abuse and extreme want repeat themselves.
In his journey, Oliver meets the Artful Dodger, a seemingly nice boy who offers his assistance. Oliver is taken to a run-down house occupied by Fagin and his boys. There, Oliver is initiated into the rites of pickpocketing, theft, and petty crime. His first unwilling foray into the new profession is not a success, however, since Oliver is caught by the police and taken to court. The victim of the pickpocketing, Mr. Brownlow, takes pity on him and takes him into his own home to help the boy recover from an illness. Brownlow is strangely drawn to the boy. Oliver's old friends, including the murderous Sikes and the mysterious Monks, try to find the boy and remove him from his new surroundings. Oliver tries desperately to escape from Fagin and his group. During his adventures, he finds that his past is neither so hidden nor so shameful as he has been led to believe.
Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse, and orphaned almost immediately. The managers of the workhouse abuse him and declare that he will amount to nothing. Eventually, Oliver is apprenticed out and runs away from the situation once the cycle of abuse and extreme want repeat themselves.
In his journey, Oliver meets the Artful Dodger, a seemingly nice boy who offers his assistance. Oliver is taken to a run-down house occupied by Fagin and his boys. There, Oliver is initiated into the rites of pickpocketing, theft, and petty crime. His first unwilling foray into the new profession is not a success, however, since Oliver is caught by the police and taken to court. The victim of the pickpocketing, Mr. Brownlow, takes pity on him and takes him into his own home to help the boy recover from an illness. Brownlow is strangely drawn to the boy. Oliver's old friends, including the murderous Sikes and the mysterious Monks, try to find the boy and remove him from his new surroundings. Oliver tries desperately to escape from Fagin and his group. During his adventures, he finds that his past is neither so hidden nor so shameful as he has been led to believe.
четверг, 30 сентября 2010 г.
Enjoy ;DDD
Where am I? How did I get here? Why does my head hurt?
You're in a hospital, sir. I'm with the police. We weren't sure you were going to wake up. You had a golf club wrapped around your neck. Just tell us everything you remember.
Well, I was teaching my wife golf. Of course, I won every hole. But on the little par 3, 17th hole, we both hit right to the green, and we both putted right to the pin.
When I walked to the flag, I saw one putt had overshot, but the other ball had apparently sunk. I didn't know whose it was, so I pulled the flag, looked in, saw it was her Spalding in there, and I said, "Looks like your hole, dear." That was the last thing I remember.
You're in a hospital, sir. I'm with the police. We weren't sure you were going to wake up. You had a golf club wrapped around your neck. Just tell us everything you remember.
Well, I was teaching my wife golf. Of course, I won every hole. But on the little par 3, 17th hole, we both hit right to the green, and we both putted right to the pin.
When I walked to the flag, I saw one putt had overshot, but the other ball had apparently sunk. I didn't know whose it was, so I pulled the flag, looked in, saw it was her Spalding in there, and I said, "Looks like your hole, dear." That was the last thing I remember.
вторник, 14 сентября 2010 г.
среда, 28 апреля 2010 г.
1.The interviewer asked me why i wanted the job
2.Susan wanted to know if Jim would go to work tomorrow
3.The teacher asked children not to clean the blackboard
4.The children said that they had eaten 5 apples
5.Mother asked Carol to turn off the radio…
6.Peter said that Nancy had bought the tickets
2.Susan wanted to know if Jim would go to work tomorrow
3.The teacher asked children not to clean the blackboard
4.The children said that they had eaten 5 apples
5.Mother asked Carol to turn off the radio…
6.Peter said that Nancy had bought the tickets
вторник, 27 апреля 2010 г.
1)In August, 2000
2)100 grams
3)Pandas mothers re careful and protective
4)About every 2 hours
5)When she s sitting-holds in her paw, when she s on the move-carries it gently in her mouth
6)When they re about 3 months old
7)To eat bamboo,it is steady
8)When pandas re about 18 months old
9)Because they re slowmoving and they spend 14 hours a day eating bamboo
2)100 grams
3)Pandas mothers re careful and protective
4)About every 2 hours
5)When she s sitting-holds in her paw, when she s on the move-carries it gently in her mouth
6)When they re about 3 months old
7)To eat bamboo,it is steady
8)When pandas re about 18 months old
9)Because they re slowmoving and they spend 14 hours a day eating bamboo
понедельник, 26 апреля 2010 г.
вторник, 13 апреля 2010 г.
Some parents and teachers believe that studying is the solely duty of students. Others, however, think teenagers in the school age should work for many reasons. First, working is a good opportunity to get more experiences, specifically in the school era. Then, students can get economical independence by doing some jobs.
Although studying is more beneficial for teenagers, facing with real life needs more experiences which are not only in schools. Pupils learn a lot of thing by doing some jobs. For instance, John, who was my classmate in the high school period, afraid from communicates with people having different point of view rather himself. After my suggestions to work in the cafe of our school, he learnt how he should talk and convey with a wide range of people who has various opinions.
In conclusion, I believe teenagers should work while they are still student because of the fact that the requirements of real life do not gain just by studying in school. Furthermore, they can learn how they earn and spend their money in a reasonable way. The reasons mentioned above motivated me for holding such an idea that students have jobs while they are still students.
Although studying is more beneficial for teenagers, facing with real life needs more experiences which are not only in schools. Pupils learn a lot of thing by doing some jobs. For instance, John, who was my classmate in the high school period, afraid from communicates with people having different point of view rather himself. After my suggestions to work in the cafe of our school, he learnt how he should talk and convey with a wide range of people who has various opinions.
In conclusion, I believe teenagers should work while they are still student because of the fact that the requirements of real life do not gain just by studying in school. Furthermore, they can learn how they earn and spend their money in a reasonable way. The reasons mentioned above motivated me for holding such an idea that students have jobs while they are still students.
понедельник, 12 апреля 2010 г.
четверг, 8 апреля 2010 г.
दमन होमेवोर्क =3
Task 1
1) Scientists think that their ancestors were larger than
they are today. 1 F
2) Their ancestors could probably fly. 2 T
3) The biggest bird can run faster than most of its
enemies. 3 T
4) Zebras stay near an ostrich because it will fight off
their enemies. 4 F
5) The eggs of the ostrich are widely used for cooking. 5 NI
6) The egg of the biggest bird is six to nine inches long. 6 T
Task 2
7 C.Unexpected guests in the car
8 H.Closing down Denny’s
9 F.Call us for assistance
10 A.Go home and wait
11 J.Knowledge helps to escape
12 B.Huge criminal record
13 I.Pets in the trunk
14 D.Hotel’s loud snorers
15 G.Protection from burglars
1) Scientists think that their ancestors were larger than
they are today. 1 F
2) Their ancestors could probably fly. 2 T
3) The biggest bird can run faster than most of its
enemies. 3 T
4) Zebras stay near an ostrich because it will fight off
their enemies. 4 F
5) The eggs of the ostrich are widely used for cooking. 5 NI
6) The egg of the biggest bird is six to nine inches long. 6 T
Task 2
7 C.Unexpected guests in the car
8 H.Closing down Denny’s
9 F.Call us for assistance
10 A.Go home and wait
11 J.Knowledge helps to escape
12 B.Huge criminal record
13 I.Pets in the trunk
14 D.Hotel’s loud snorers
15 G.Protection from burglars
среда, 31 марта 2010 г.
Hw =3
Task 1.
Dear Bob,
Thank you very much for having me at
your place while I was in England.
You really helped me out. I’m very thankful for you.
By the way, I want to invite you
to my place next summer. It would be
very nice of you to come.
Best regards,
Task 2.
Dear Jenny,
I want to talk about films on TV and cinema.
I really like to watch films in my free time with friends. There are very old films on TV so I prefer to go to the cinema.
The best film I have ever seen is “Daybreakers”. It’s a very nice horror film about future. Everything happens in 2019 year, almost everybody will be vampires and society is looking for fake blood because there are only 5% of human left.
On this summer I’m going to watch “Iron man 2”. I think it’s going to be a very nice fantasy action film.
I’ll be waiting for your answer to know what films you like to watch.
Dear Bob,
Thank you very much for having me at
your place while I was in England.
You really helped me out. I’m very thankful for you.
By the way, I want to invite you
to my place next summer. It would be
very nice of you to come.
Best regards,
Task 2.
Dear Jenny,
I want to talk about films on TV and cinema.
I really like to watch films in my free time with friends. There are very old films on TV so I prefer to go to the cinema.
The best film I have ever seen is “Daybreakers”. It’s a very nice horror film about future. Everything happens in 2019 year, almost everybody will be vampires and society is looking for fake blood because there are only 5% of human left.
On this summer I’m going to watch “Iron man 2”. I think it’s going to be a very nice fantasy action film.
I’ll be waiting for your answer to know what films you like to watch.
понедельник, 29 марта 2010 г.
понедельник, 15 марта 2010 г.
суббота, 13 марта 2010 г.
My ideal School >;D

At the moment, I go to school in the center of the city. It’s not a bad school, but it could be much better! In the composition I’m going to describe my ideal school.
My ideal school would be near my home and coffee shop, but the coffee shop like in Holland, the rastafari one, you know what I mean. So students can go there between lessons and eat some space muffins drink some tea and smoke some weed. Another thing would be the music in the school. The bell would be a dubstep tune like Tomba – Jaws and on breaks would play reggae.
Students would wear red-yellow-green clothes and be very kind and calm. However, there will be also new subject like Rastafariology or something like that and no homework at all.
On every event or holiday there would be no lessons, big celebration instead. Something like going in a sushi bar. And every teacher would be like my English class teacher. It's certainly a place I would just love to go to!
пятница, 12 марта 2010 г.
Part 1
Part 2
...why I want the job
...if Jim goes to work tomorrow
...children if they dont clean the blackboard
...that they have eaten five apples
...to turn off the radio
...that Nancy bought the tickets
Part 3
Part 2
...why I want the job
...if Jim goes to work tomorrow
...children if they dont clean the blackboard
...that they have eaten five apples
...to turn off the radio
...that Nancy bought the tickets
Part 3
воскресенье, 28 февраля 2010 г.
четверг, 25 февраля 2010 г.
Quite literally, the term "philosophy" means, "love of wisdom." In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other. As an academic discipline philosophy is much the same. Those who study philosophy are perpetually engaged in asking, answering, and arguing for their answers to life’s most basic questions. To make such a pursuit more systematic academic philosophy is traditionally divided into major areas of study.
If you want from me nerdy h/w like this...then here you are =
If you want from me nerdy h/w like this...then here you are =
воскресенье, 14 февраля 2010 г.
понедельник, 8 февраля 2010 г.
воскресенье, 7 февраля 2010 г.
Задание 3
Толстые вопросы:
1. Каков сюжет телесериала?
2. Какова основная мысль данного телесериала?
3. Каковы мысли актеров о телесериале?
Тонкие вопросы:
1. Много ли время ушло на съёмки?
2. Сколько актёров учавствовало в съёмках?
3. Сколько лет актерам?
1. Каков сюжет телесериала?
2. Какова основная мысль данного телесериала?
3. Каковы мысли актеров о телесериале?
Тонкие вопросы:
1. Много ли время ушло на съёмки?
2. Сколько актёров учавствовало в съёмках?
3. Сколько лет актерам?
вторник, 2 февраля 2010 г.
A short Composition =3

I’m going to write about Bob, my friend. He’s got brown hair and dreadlocks. They are pretty long. He’s not very tall and he’s quite slim. He’s got brown eyes and they are red all the time.
I’ve known him all my life. He’s rastafari. He listens to reggae, smokes ganja and trusts in almighty Jah. He’s a singer. He sings reggae songs and I love them. They are very nice, specially “Misty Morning”. Very nice song with cool lyrics. He doesn’t drink alcohol because he knows that it is bad for health ,but he smokes ganja because he knows that ganja is very good for health, carma, spirit and soul. He’s cool, calm, cheerful, creative, helpful, honest, reliable, sympathetic rasta brother.
среда, 27 января 2010 г.
How would I like to spend my free time :P
I would like to spend my free time by hanging and chilling with friends. I would like to go to the cinema after the lessons and then go to my place to smoke water pipe (shisha). We would chill some time and then go to sushi bar. In the bar we would order everything we want. After that we would probably buy some beer and go to the beach. Some time we would hang out there and have fun. Then we would go home. I would like to have all my free time like this. Then i would probably love life very, very much. But this is just a dream. *Fail at life* =|
понедельник, 18 января 2010 г.
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