среда, 16 декабря 2009 г.

Ex 1 pg 52

1. The look of the half-shaved head is amusing me.
2. Wife of this man has to be very clever to shave hair from half of his head becouse he borrowed her car.
3. I think his look is offensive now.
4. I think it's not really sereous that just 400.000 woman killed their husbands with a frying pen.
5. When the man will be awake,probobly he will be shocked when he will look at the mirror.
6. I guess food that killed husbands was't pretty tasteless.


вторник, 15 декабря 2009 г.

Advertisement xD

You live alone? You have nothing to do all the time? You are a fat and ugly virgin guy?
Then it's a perfect solution for you. I bring you The Boob. It's really soft and good made half of chest of a female. It's made from best grade not tearing leather. It looks realistic and sexy. You can squeeze it, chew it, play with your children with it and even use it as a sponge or a dog toy, it makes you relax and enjoy yourself. So hurry up and order now our brand by calling us. The number is 1-900-BUY-IT-FAST-NIGGA! Don’t miss your chance of getting a grate thing in your life.

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2009 г.

What is fame?

Fame can be a good thing or a bad thing. It's when you are known by many people, maybe worldwide. Fame can come out of many things: maybe a famous singer, actor, doctor, preacher, king/queen, athlete, president, etc. It is also something easy to obtain, especailly for more talented kids. But fame can be good and bad. People get good fame for doing good things and bad fame for doing bad things. For me, the desire for fame is a notable characteristic of the young, who are desperate to make their mark and leave an impact on society, and to forge their own identity. This is probably still the case, as people either give up on their desire for fame as they get older, or get distracted by other things.

вторник, 8 декабря 2009 г.

School News.

In our school are many new news for last 2 weeks.
On last week students went on the sports day,went to Riigikogu and parents of all students went to the school to talk about something. On sports day we came in the bilding behind the Kalev sport house. There all people had fun and had many competitions. Afther that principle gave water to everyone. When students of 9th grade went to Riigikogu they had there a good expiriance. People told them many wise things and news about whole Tallinn. And Birthday of School was on Sunday.

вторник, 24 ноября 2009 г.

Report ;3

To: the School Magazine
From: Oleg Zinchenko
Date: 24.11.09
Subject: The local transport situation

The aim of the report is to examine the transport situation in Tallinn, a small town in the north of Estonia.

There are several positive things.
a) There are hospitals with free car parking.
b) There is a good bus service in the whole town plus it's quite cheap.
c) There is a good bicycle track which runs by the side of Pirita.

However, there are many things which could be improved.
a) There are many homeless stinky people that are sleeping in the transports. It freaks everyone out and you just can't feel your self normal.
b) The social transport is quite slow and not very comfortable.
c) Although there is a bicycle track near Pirita, it is dangerous to ride a bike on a track that on one side is to close to the water and on other side is to close to the road.

On one hand Tallinn is a nice town with good places and big shopping centers. On the other hand, people need to do something to control the traffic which is not very nice.

среда, 18 ноября 2009 г.

The Essay! >;O

This evening it took my father one hour to get home. Accident happened on nearest road. He stuck in a traffic cone.
I hear him whining almost everyday about our stupid roads and stupid accidents that make him waste loads of hours. But anger and stress are nothing compared to the real costs of the motor car. Here are some figures:
1. In the last ten years, the number of cars on the roads in Estonia has grown.
2. Over hundred of people die every year in road accidents in Estonia.
3. Traffic produces ozone which can reach dangerous levels in the summer.
4. Hundreds of deaths per year are caused by air pollution.
5. One in ten children in Estonia suffers from asthma.
6. Some types of cancer are related to traffic pollution.
We know that cars are bad for us. So why do we use them? The answer is simple. How the hell can we walk 10-30 km by foot. And the people don’t see life without cars. So we have nothing to do with it and we need just to chill and relax.

понедельник, 9 ноября 2009 г.

If I were the Minister of Transport. ;P

If I were the Minister of Transport I wouldn’t worry about anything in our city. Tallinn is in normal conditions. Not very polluted and very little amount of incidents. Little amount of drunk drivers. And It’s all like that because of the payments for penalty. They are very high this days and everyone is scared to ride drunk or other have chance to get a penalty for something. If I were the Minister of Transport I would change only one thing. And the thing is the holes in road. They are everywhere. And they are big problem and obstacle. I would make them disappear from the face of our city, even if it would cost me big money. Every driver in Tallinn would thank me. And I would be the King of Drivers. Yeah, sweet dreams. Well never mind. I I think that riding on cycles and horses or walking by foot is crap. Becouse everyone would be late everywhere. How would they go by feet somewhere like other country. Good luck to those crazy people. THE END.

вторник, 3 ноября 2009 г.

Car of my dream.

Well a car of my dream is my big stupid fantasy but anyway. It must be red with 2 stripes on the top. The look must be like sport car have. It must fly and glide on water. It will be the fastest car ever. Speed must be more than 500km a sec. In the car will be loads of cool things: coffe machine, beer machine, nice sterio system, burger machine and other cool things. Under the car there will be neon lights. It will teleport to other planets and demantions. It would be the best car in the world. And this car will not need petrol.

понедельник, 2 ноября 2009 г.

News into the blogs.

I’ve had normal week without school. On weekend I was ill, had good time in the virtual world anyway. On Monday I went to the Megazone with my girlfriend and friends. We had there great time and I won. I was on first place and I won free ticket on one extra game. After that I went to the pool on one hour. We play very good. I’ve won three times and lost 1 time. I think that’s pretty good. Well then we went to my girlfriends place, just two of us. She is so loved by me. We watched humor films, made a nice big pizza, well in few words we had good time. On Tuesday I woke up and went to the kitchen. I ate a tasty burger. Than went to the bowling with my class. We played two games and then went to the Viru. I hang out there few hours with my friends Dasha and Karen. After that I went home. Watched TV and chilled out. Other days were boring, i had to do my homework and so my life began to suck again at the second of November.


среда, 21 октября 2009 г.

Всеобщая декларация прав человека. Статья 1.

воскресенье, 18 октября 2009 г.

Joke with Present Perfect Continuous ;DDDD

Which Is Which?
“That man has been fiddling around for an hour wasting his time?”“How do you know?”“I’ve been watching him.”

Fighting Again!
“You’ve been fighting again! You lost two of your teeth!”“I haven’t lost them, Mum. They are in my pocket.”

I know they are not very funny but anyway ;D normal ;)

четверг, 8 октября 2009 г.

Assasin Quest:The most stupid story ever.

It was a beautiful spring day for kicking some asses. I was walking down to the north center. While I was running there some monsters followed me. I was like "What the hell?" and they were like "Rwbrawrjewr!?!?!?!" They attacked me so I could nothing but own them with my shining dual swords. I was like "Zrum" and "Take that you peace of junk". Then I went to have some fun with a strange airplane. It was pretty nice. Anyway back to the quest. When I got to my master I gave him what he asked me to bring and now he told me to go kick some mutant asses. I took the quest, because I wanted to have some fun with those strange creatures. Yeah it was great. After that I was on the way to my stupid, cold and good for nothing home to have some fun in the bed with my wife. Where is she anyway!? Oh there she is. We all felt very happy to be back home.

четверг, 1 октября 2009 г.

ex 8 pg 23

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.
Last Monday I saw a very cool movie. It's called Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. It's a comedy.
The film is about two guys Harold and Kumar who were flying to Amsterdam to stop the wedding of one woman who were in love with Harold with one man. While there were flying in the plain Kumar came to Harold in the toilet to smoke marijuana. He created a nice new bong. But they were flying to the Amsterdam, the weed capital .So Harold went on his seat but he didn't close the toilet door and a granny saw him with the bong. She thought it's a bomb and he is a terrorist. She screamed "TERRORIST!!!!" and security captured them. So they went to the prison and the fun began.
The main actors were John Cho - Harold and Kal Penn - Kumar, and the other famous actors are Rob Corddry, Neil Patrick Harris.
Everything were so funny: situations, dialogues, music and loads and loads of other thins. The whole film is so fantastic. It's probably the best film I have ever seen in my life.
I can't tell what scenes are the best, because they are all great. But my favourite scene was in prison when they had dinner. A big man came and gave them "cock meat sandwich". That was Hilarious.

понедельник, 28 сентября 2009 г.


Story about two friends.
At the turn of the century there were two little boys who grew together. They were living in a little and crowded flat. They were always together, in happiness or even in sadness. All the poor relations were amused by their friendship. The father of one boy was a poor tailor, probably the worst in their town. The father of the other boy was cashier. They didn’t like each other, but their sons didn’t even think about their warship when they were probably the biggest best friends in the world. They didn’t have pocket money, because their families were poor. They earned money by selling news papers. On their pocket money they loved to buy candy and watch a different variety of shows. When they grew up they became comedian brothers. They travelled all over the world and made everyone laugh. THE END